Collecting is a fun and easy hobby you can take up at any age. What’s great about it is that, unlike the arts or sports, it doesn’t require specific skills. You can collect anything you set your mind to. What you decide on determines how easy it is to add to your growing collection. If you need help sparking some inspiration, check out these fun and easy collections anyone can start!
One interest group you may find yourself in is that of vehicles. And while collecting physical cars may not be affordable, you can still center your collection around automobiles—whether that involves collecting matchbox cars or key chains.
Collecting toys, both new and old, isn’t uncommon. Plenty of people have incredible collections of dolls, stuffed animals, and action figures. Some people even collect dinosaur action figures! If you know how to start your dinosaur collection, adding to it is simple. It’s not childish to collect toys because you’re showing off something you love, and plenty of old toys are even pretty valuable.
If you love traveling or plan to become a future globe trotter, why not base a collection on it? Many people love buying souvenirs on their adventures. Aim to buy at least one thing on each trip you take. This could be:
- Magnets
- Postcards
- Stickers
- Keychains
Mix and match a variety of souvenirs, or stick to something specific. Some people buy magnets on their trips, then showcase them on a board at home. What’s important here is that each piece has the name of your travel location on it!
Another fun and easy collection anyone can start is one that’s color-centric. Narrowing all your interest or hobbies down to one category may be a bit challenging. If this sounds like you, consider basing your collection on something less specific, like a favorite color or material.
This sounds stranger than it is. And we’re not saying to collect everything pink if that’s your chosen color. Instead, try to narrow it a little more—for example, you’ll only buy pink jackets. Collections are fun, and by knowing where to begins, you can start yours!